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28 avril 2013 7 28 /04 /avril /2013 00:15

Hi my mounting friends,


Here is the english translation from marouflage/ additional post  for all my classmates.


Translation from my daughter Maeva. She did her best but she doesn't know all my painting words technics.

Sorry for some those mistakes,

HOPE you enjoy and understand anyway.


Marouflage 1222



So let's GO




I think i need to add another post in response to the other questions i received, especially for the preparation one: 
- you'll some glue of course, you can find many in shops. that would be interesting to see posts about the glue
 this glue shouldn't be too thick or too thin. it must be as consistent as liquid sour cream (no milk, no sour cream). 
if too thick, the glue tends to be too difficult to spread and the paper is going to go with it; if too thin, it means there is too much water and once water has evaporated a bit, you'll have blisters.

- oh and i forgot, one advice for those who leave overseas: add few drops of essential oil such as eucalyptus, tea tree, lavander for their "anti-fungi" properties
mould doesnt forgive ...

-  1 brush for the glue, careful that it doesnt leave any hairs on your paintings
you should then check thoroughly and get rid of the hairs


- a cloth

- water spray

- a knife or palett to mount. mine's broken but i can still use the larger part of it 

all these articles are available in framing magazines, or shops in the section for wall papers (i'll try it with a glue powder once)



 - a table or any other flat surfaces, preferably polished
if you're using your kitchen table, make sure you dont have lunch on it afterwards.... hihi
it usually takes about half a day (if sunny) up to the whole day to dry.
i also tried on a glass surface, and for me,  the painting  was totally stuck on it and had to cut it all.say hi to your new striped table.

- Also, for your bristol , take the largest one possible, when mounting, you'll be using it a lot. the lightest one possible too like 180g

i used to mount on a low table by the way, it doesn't matter as long as it is polished
in addition, it is very important that your table is CLEAN, otherwise you'll end up with fingerprints and others on your paintings as it acts as a blotting paper, yeah, remember that you put glue on it and nothing resists to glues. trust me, i tried ...

So, ready ? are you feeling comfy ? 

- Humidify your painting to detend it as well, if needed, a bit of meditation wouldn't hurt
- put the glue, be sure you spread it well on the table. avoid bubbles. bring this glue on the outside of your painting
i repeat, DO NOT DO THIS:

Marouflage 1225

so that it is as flat as this one: almost as transparent as a glass

Marouflage 1227
once well spread, out some glue all around the bristol's margin. use your fingers if you want, this prevents from skidded with the brush. 


-here it is
now, put your bristol on it, cover it straight on it and not on the side
make sure the margin isn't too big compared to your painting.
you have to make sure your painting is also a bit in contact with the glue.


I repeat again: avoid doing this in the previous sentence:
Marouflage 1228

- Drag your knife or mounting palett over it so your bristol adheres well to your painting. just like silicone : instead of ironing, you're painting with a palett rather than an iron.

if excess of glue, just bring it all on the outside

note: during the mounting phase, follow the line of the paper. for example, in this picture, you;re not going on the opposite side which is on the top but instead, you go from the right handside to the left handside, got it ? 

Spread (or drag) well to have the same result : shiny surface
ok, it doesn't look perfect but it will go away once dried.
Marouflage 1229

- once done, you have to wait but you should still stay next to it and watch out how it is going just like boiling milk. because when drying, it will contract and the first (defauts) will show up if it is not mounted properly and if there were bubbles. once dried, it's too late to do any modifications.
however, in this phase it is still possible to do something.

 afterwards, you can move on to what you were doing before and forget about it until the following day.

- sooo, here it is ... at least 6 hours later, you just have to ... TAAADAAA
"L'ivresse des sens" is now fully ready to go in its frame.

Thank you for reading !


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"Stupéfiante peinture. Sans dessin, ni limite ...

Chanson sans paroles ... ni art ... sans le soutien des formes.

Sans esquisse ... sans histoire ... sans fable ... sans allégorie ...

Sans corps et sans visage ... née de l'unique vertu des tonalités ...

Une effusion lyrique, tout simplement.

Où le coeur parle ... se révèle ... et chante ses émotions."

Louis Gillet (1876 -1943)

En voyant Les Nymphéas de Claude Monet pour la première fois.
